05 July 2009

Our housing area may be clean...

but that doesn't mean the people don't suck. We had a crappy weekend for the most part. Most of Friday was good, until 8 pm when we went out to get Baccus for our walk. Someone took off his collar and let him loose. I thought he had escaped his collar, but Jr told me after I called the MPs to see if he had been picked up that his collar was off him (unhooked). That person, also, took his name tag off the collar. We found it not far from his collar. The MPs did pick him up and took him to vet services, but we can't get him until morning. They were closed all weekend due to the holiday. We are going first thing in the morning to get him....but now I'm worried that whoever did that will do it again. Something always goes amiss when Clark goes to NTC....and it is always in the first week. Last time, when we were at Fort Hood and Jr was only three...I fell off the front stoop and sprained my ankle. We didn't do our walk Friday, but we've gone out the last two days....but not the route we take with Baccus. I miss him. I did get a bunch of stuff done....trying to keep my mind off of Baccus. Clark called last night and I had to tell him. I got all the trim ready for the goody bags and worked on two other parts of the bags. I painted a little this morning and actually re-read a Nancy Drew book last night. I think I might read another one tonight....there is a new Miss Marple on GPB tonight....A Pocketful of Rye. Billy has been on a public broadcasting kick this weekend. He'll watch anything...crazy kid. Well, speaking of kids....I need to feed them. Then I have to figure out how to get to vet services in the morning...I want my dog back.


  1. Oh I hope all goes well with your puppy! Enjoy Miss Marple!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. Oh Wanda, I'm so sorry! People just really suck sometimes.
