24 July 2009

Happy Days of '47!!!

Not really.....I may be from Utah, but that isn't my holiday. What that should have said was "Happy Anniversary, Wendy and Tom". I still can't believe she picked that day to get married...it just sets her up for ridicule from family every year. I love you, Wendy. I got my swap package from Jenny in England....it was so nice. I'm not quite done with mine....I wanted to make her one more thing....I just have not had as productive of a month as I had hoped....argh. I have one week left to mail her box. I was going to take pictures of what I got, but I'm having problems with the camera my brother sent me...I got it to work for a few minutes, but all I got was pictures of Billy and then it died again. I think the battery positioning is wonky at times. Blah. If it isn't bad enough that this whole digital age scares the hebby jeebies out of me (I'm so a film camera girl), but I finally get one and it hates me. I don't want to buy one if I can figure out what to do with this one. I am so cheap....it is sad. :) Clark should be home in a few weeks...than I can use his camera....I'm so funny....I can have him take my pictures for me. :) Have a great weekend!! Mom and Dad.....I know you got the day off anyway, but I hope your Days of '47 was spectacular!


  1. Hi! I'm so glad the parcel has arrived with you safe and sound! I do hope you like it. No worries on sending mine off by the 'right' date, I want it to be fun and not a stress! xxx
