17 July 2008

My meeting.....

was with JAG. No, I'm not leaving my husband and getting half his assets...why take half when I have all of it now. :) We are old-school military and try to follow the rules. I went to see them about running an online business from our on post housing. It's privatized now, so things are a little different. Well, the lawyer didn't think I'd have a problem and actually called Housing to double check...very nice man. I got the okay yesterday afternoon....not too long after we left his office. I am hoping to get an Etsy shop up and running by the end of the month. I've got all sorts of fun stuff. Some of it is posted on my Flickr.... www.flickr.com/photos/23996216@N02/ I figure since I won't be able to work outside the home and even volunteering will be hard with Billy.....this would be a fun thing to do. I've got so many different things collected up. It will primarily be things to use in your crafty endeavors...supplies and such. I'm kind of excited. I was so nervous about the meeting. :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that! You make really cute stuff so it should be good. I'll be sure to check it out.
