And the head of my crazy four year old. He came back from school and was playing in the front yard and the downpour started and he went nuts. Happy nuts, of course...he looked like he was having such a good time, so I joined him. He ran up and down the sidewalk and gutter. He stepped in some grass clippings and sent them down the gutter and followed them down. So I got some flowers off his tree and we sent those down. Then he laid down in the driveway like he was a fish. Silly boy. It was great fun and I carried him over to the porch and stripped him down...he got away and started playing some more...he cariried his water pitcher over (it had flowers in it) and got down in the gutter again. He is so white....oy. He needs a little sun, not the rain. I tried picking him up a couple of times.....between the spineless maneuver and the baby magic...he was like an eel. I finally got him inside and into the shower to warm up.
I finally got one swap done (I've got eight more to go) and mailed....Clark still hasn't dowloaded pictures for me (He got one of my mini-art quilts before I mailed them). Last week was a little was the first full week of school. I get about three hours to work on stuff in the mornings. I just need to get used to getting up early again (we slept in all summer). I worked on another swap this morning until I realized my color cartridge in my printer went out. Eeek. I had to find the new one. I wasted some cardstock....argh. I think I have enough printed off now or it's back to Michael's this weekend for more cardstock. We didn't do much this weekend. Mostly we sat in front of the television and watched "Leverage" Season 1 and "Burn Notice" Season 1.....I got them for me, but Clark has informed me they will be leaving for an extended trip soon. He got "Breaking Bad" for himself.....that is one disturbing show. Well, back to work for me....I had my playtime in the rain. :)